
WoahDream Discord Bot 🤖

Get stuck into AI with our intuitive AI image generation discord bot. Our user-friendly bot tools are designed to help you achieve your vision with ease!



  • 25 Starter Coins
  • Daily Recharge
  • Music Generation
  • GPT Chat Bot
  • Lifetime Backup
  • 24/7 support


$20/one time
  • 5000 Coins
  • Daily Recharge
  • Music Generation
  • GPT Chat Bot
  • Lifetime Backup
  • 24/7 support
0:00 / 0:00
Not Morgan Freeman - What a Wonderful World
DiscoCraft Audio 1
DiscoCraft Audio 2
DiscoCraft Audio 3
DiscoCraft Audio 4

Getting Started & FAQ

Absolutely! The Free package is a great starting point, offering you 25 initial coins to generate images upon sign up, and 10 coins daily thereafter. You also get access to our GPT3.5 model within the Discord. The Dreamer package, for a one-time fee of $5, provides you with 500 coins for image generation, the daily 10 coins, and access to the GPT bot via Discord. Plus, you get the added benefits of Lifetime Backup and 24/7 support. The Imagineer package, at $20 per month, is the ultimate package. It gives you a whopping 5000 coins, the daily 10 coins, GPT bot access, Lifetime Backup, and 24/7 support.

It’s simple! Once you’re on the WoahAI Discord, head over to the #chat section and start typing. The best part? This feature isn’t linked to coins, so you can use it as much as you want.

Of course! The “Daily Recharge” feature is like a daily gift from us. It gives you 10 coins every day, which you can use to generate images on our Discord server. Your current balance must be below 10 coins in order to receive your daily recharge. You can do /balance in the Discord server to check this. 

It’s a breeze! Just click here, and you will be taken you straight to the WoahAI Discord where you can start creating your images.

The “Lifetime Backup” feature varies between the two packages. For Dreamer users, it offers a one-month backup. For Imagineer users, it provides a lifetime backup as long as they maintain an active subscription. Currently, you can access your images via the original Discord message or by reaching out to our support team.

Woah AI Gallery

"designer" inspired holographic fashion